1. ExtremalDep::CLAY.SALL.PAUL
    Weekly maximum wind speed data collected over 4 stations across Oklahoma, USA, over the March-May preiod between 1996 and 2012.
    matrix|211 x 3
  2. ExtremalDep::CLOU.CLAY.PAUL
    Weekly maximum wind speed data collected over 4 stations across Oklahoma, USA, over the March-May preiod between 1996 and 2012.
    matrix|217 x 3
  3. ExtremalDep::CLOU.CLAY.SALL
    Weekly maximum wind speed data collected over 4 stations across Oklahoma, USA, over the March-May preiod between 1996 and 2012.
    matrix|212 x 3
  4. ExtremalDep::CLOU.SALL.PAUL
    Weekly maximum wind speed data collected over 4 stations across Oklahoma, USA, over the March-May preiod between 1996 and 2012.
    matrix|217 x 3
  5. ExtremalDep::Leeds.frechet
    Air quality datasets containing daily maxima of air pollutants (PM10, NO, NO2, 03 and S02) recorded in Leeds (U.K.), during five winter seasons (November-Februrary) between 1994 and 1998.
    matrix|590 x 5
  6. ExtremalDep::Lingen
    Hourly wind gust, wind speed and air pressure at Lingen (GER), Ossendorf (GER) and Parcay-Meslay (FRA).
  7. ExtremalDep::Milan.summer
    Pollution data for summer and winter months in Milan, Italy.
  8. ExtremalDep::Milan.winter
    Pollution data for summer and winter months in Milan, Italy.
  9. ExtremalDep::NSN
    Air quality datasets containing daily maxima of air pollutants (PM10, NO, NO2, 03 and S02) recorded in Leeds (U.K.), during five winter seasons (November-Februrary) between 1994 and 1998.
    matrix|100 x 3
  10. ExtremalDep::Ossendorf
    Hourly wind gust, wind speed and air pressure at Lingen (GER), Ossendorf (GER) and Parcay-Meslay (FRA).
  11. ExtremalDep::PNN
    Air quality datasets containing daily maxima of air pollutants (PM10, NO, NO2, 03 and S02) recorded in Leeds (U.K.), during five winter seasons (November-Februrary) between 1994 and 1998.
    matrix|100 x 3
  12. ExtremalDep::PNNS
    Air quality datasets containing daily maxima of air pollutants (PM10, NO, NO2, 03 and S02) recorded in Leeds (U.K.), during five winter seasons (November-Februrary) between 1994 and 1998.
    matrix|200 x 4
  13. ExtremalDep::PNS
    Air quality datasets containing daily maxima of air pollutants (PM10, NO, NO2, 03 and S02) recorded in Leeds (U.K.), during five winter seasons (November-Februrary) between 1994 and 1998.
    matrix|100 x 3
  14. ExtremalDep::ParcayMeslay
    Hourly wind gust, wind speed and air pressure at Lingen (GER), Ossendorf (GER) and Parcay-Meslay (FRA).
  15. ExtremalDep::PrecipFrance
    Weekly maxima of hourly rainfall in France
  16. ExtremalDep::heatdata
    Summer temperature maxima in Melbourne, Australia between 1961 and 2010.
  17. ExtremalDep::locgrid
    Summer temperature maxima in Melbourne, Australia between 1961 and 2010.
  18. ExtremalDep::logReturns
    Monthly maxima of log-return exchange rates of the Pound Sterling (GBP) against the US dollar (USD) and the Japanese yen (JPY), between March 1991 and December 2014.
  19. ExtremalDep::mellat
    Summer temperature maxima in Melbourne, Australia between 1961 and 2010.
  20. ExtremalDep::mellon
    Summer temperature maxima in Melbourne, Australia between 1961 and 2010.
  21. ExtremalDep::scalegrid
    Summer temperature maxima in Melbourne, Australia between 1961 and 2010.
  22. ExtremalDep::shapegrid
    Summer temperature maxima in Melbourne, Australia between 1961 and 2010.
  23. ExtremalDep::winterdat
    Air quality datasets containing daily maxima of air pollutants (PM10, NO, NO2, 03 and S02) recorded in Leeds (U.K.), during five winter seasons (November-Februrary) between 1994 and 1998.
  24. ExtremeRisks::dowjones
    Negative log-returns of DOW JONES.
  25. ExtremeRisks::sp500
    Negative log-returns of S&P 500.